Managing Change in Dairy Farming with Extension 350


Managing Change in Dairy Farming with Extension 350

Pam Tipa’s interview with Luke Beehre, project lead for Extension 350, published in Dairy News July 2019, discusses the importance of the dairy farming industry’s need to continuously give thought to the changes happening within that industry and how farmers can support one another other and best equip themselves to manage that change.

There is a vast amount of knowledge and resource available across the industry but the key is in bringing people together, partnering well and fully utilising the capability within the region.   The E350 project has been designed to facilitate that connection.

Tipa writes: DairyNZ’s consulting officers are deeply engaged with E350 in facilitating some of the learning and “helping to challenge us on what we do and how we do things”.

The article goes on to discuss the benefits of being involved in a project that, quite intentionally, sees each target farm involved over a 3.5 year period.   It takes time to implement change, test it and embed it as standard practice.

Read Pam Tipa’s full article.

E350 Managing Change Lachie and Dave

Extension 350 target farmer, Lachie McLean (left) and mentor farmer Dave Robinson


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