The Pick business ideas competition returns in 2022

Delivered in partnership with The Orchard Business & Events Hub, Creative HQ and Callaghan Innovation, The Pick ’22 encourages individuals who have a business idea, or who want to have a business idea, to test and develop it into a business model.
Supported by regional business experts throughout a ten-week programme, participants will explore and hone their ideas. With workshops completed either online or in person, finalists will then be selected to present their concepts in a Pitch Night in front of a panel of Te Tai Tokerau business leaders. The overall winner will receive a tailored business support package to help grow their business idea into fruition.
Northland Inc’s Business Innovation and Growth Team Leader, Sophie Wiltshier, says the quality of business ideas received in previous years shows the value of early-stage support programmes such as The Pick.
“The Pick allows Te Tai Tokerau’s innovative thinkers to develop their business ideas with the support of regional business experts and a network of likeminded entrepreneurs. The Pitch Night has seen some outstanding business ideas presented in previous years, many of whom have gone on to launch successful businesses off the back of The Pick competition”.
The Pick:19 winner Jade Kake used her experience to build a solid platform from which to grow her business, Matakohe Architecture + Urbanism. Now a standout kaupapa Māori design studio located in Whangārei, Kake says she found The Pick workshops to be invaluable.
“The big benefit was the guidance to create a business plan. I still go back to my notes when I’m writing for the business or developing areas of strategy, I’m surprised at how relevant some of the content still is”, she says.
With The Pick ’22 entries open until 2 February, 2022, the competition is timely for those who have been mulling over an idea, or looking for a new direction in the new year, says Wiltshier.
“Northland Inc has a dedicated five-year plan for our Te Tai Tokerau entrepreneurs, The Pick is the keystone programme for Northland. It’s so exciting seeing The Pick Business Ideas Competition coming back for 2022, this is suitable for innovators, creators, and Tai Tokerau entrepreneurs that have an idea and are ready to win the chance to make it happen.”
The Pick ’22 will run from 16 February 2022, with 2-hour workshops held weekly across 10 weeks before the finalist’s Pitch Night. Entries for The Pick ’22 close 2 February, 2022.
Applicants are invited to find all relevant information online at and contact Northland Inc for more information through
Media - for further information, please contact:
On behalf of Northland Inc
Hannah Mackay – Communications Specialist
M: 021 1777 110